Game Ready Package

Tailored to your recruiting needs

Following our system of Educate, Mentor and Develop we will guide you through every step of the recruitment process and build a road for success.

Monthly Zoom Session

45 minute monthly session to discuss your personalized recruiting plan.

Video Review + Analysis

We will aid in video analysis and creation for recruitment.

Talent Evaluation + Academic Review

We will evaluate where you are at both on and off the field and provide a path to success on the field and in the classroom.

Recruitment Roadmap

We will provide College List Development. Camp, Showcase and exposure guidance, along with effective college coach communication tips.

Game Ready Package

Embarking on the journey of pursuing your athletic dreams and college aspirations can be both exhilarating and challenging, especially for players and families who are just starting out, have some knowledge, or are seasoned vets. Our monthly coaching service is designed with you in mind, providing the essential guidance and support needed to ensure that you not only start off on the right path but continue progressing towards your goals throughout your journey.

Our Comprehensive Monthly Coaching Service Includes:

  1. Personalized 30-Minute Zoom or Phone Session: Your success is our top priority, and to ensure your needs are met, we provide you with one 45-minute personalized session each month. This one-on-one time allows for in-depth discussions, addressing your unique concerns and tailoring our guidance to your specific circumstances.
  2. Video Analysis & Review: To help you continually improve and showcase your skills effectively, we offer monthly video analysis and review sessions. Through this, you'll receive constructive feedback that will empower you to make necessary adjustments and enhancements to your performance.
  3. Ongoing Talent Evaluation: We believe in nurturing your talent and helping you reach your full potential. Our ongoing talent evaluation ensures that you're always on track, working towards becoming the best athlete you can be.
  4. Academic Review: Achieving a balance between your academics and athletics is vital. Our academic review service ensures that you maintain your academic progress while pursuing your athletic ambitions, helping you remain eligible for college sports programs.
  5. College List Development: Selecting the right colleges to target is a crucial step in the recruitment process. We will assist you in developing a tailored college list that aligns with your athletic and academic aspirations.
  6. Camp, Showcase, and Exposure Guidance: We understand the importance of visibility. Our guidance on selecting and participating in camps and showcases, as well as strategies for maximizing your exposure to college coaches and scouts, will give you a competitive edge.
  7. Communication Guidance: Effective communication with coaches and recruiters is key. We'll equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to present yourself confidently and professionally, both in written communication and face-to-face interactions.

In summary, our monthly coaching service is a comprehensive and personalized program designed to support players and families as they begin, continue, or are finalizing their recruiting journey. With our combination of regular coaching sessions, video analysis, talent evaluation, academic support, college planning, and communication guidance, we empower you to take confident strides towards your baseball and academic goals. Join us and embark on the path to excellence, knowing that you have expert guidance every step of the way.

    Regular price $399.00
    Sale price $399.00 Regular price

    What People Are Saying

    Huge Help

    "The journey to college baseball was a daunting one for us as a family, but thanks to the Game Ready Package offered by EMD, we felt equipped and confident every step of the way. The personalized sessions were incredibly valuable, allowing us to discuss our specific concerns and goals. The video analysis helped our son refine his skills, and the ongoing talent evaluation kept him motivated to improve. EMD's academic review ensured he maintained his grades while pursuing his dreams. We couldn't be happier with the tailored college list and the exposure guidance that ultimately led to a great college fit. Their communication guidance was the icing on the cake, making us feel confident in our interactions with coaches. EMD truly provides comprehensive support, and we're grateful for their expertise!"

    Nicolla Family. NC

    Incredible package

    "EMD's monthly coaching service was an absolute lifesaver for my family during my college baseball recruitment journey. The personalized sessions provided us with a roadmap tailored to my specific needs and goals. The ongoing talent evaluation kept me focused on constant growth. Balancing academics and athletics was made easier with their academic review service. EMD's guidance in college list development helped me find the perfect fit. Their camp and showcase advice increased my visibility, and the communication coaching made me feel confident when interacting with coaches. EMD's expertise made all the difference in my successful recruitment process."

    Charlie A. NJ

    A+ Guidance

    "EMD's Game Ready Package provided my family with the guidance we needed as we embarked on my college baseball journey. The personalized sessions allowed us to discuss our specific goals and concerns, making the process much less intimidating. EMD's academic review ensured I maintained my grades while chasing my athletic dreams. The tailored college list they helped me develop was instrumental in finding the right fit. Their guidance on camps and showcases gave me a competitive edge, and their communication coaching was invaluable. EMD truly provides all-encompassing support for aspiring student-athletes."

    CJ R. VA


    "As a young athlete looking to navigate the world of college recruitment, EMD's monthly coaching service was a game-changer for me. The video analysis sessions were a fantastic tool for self-improvement, and the ongoing talent evaluation kept me focused on my goals. Balancing academics and athletics was made easier with their academic review service. EMD's guidance in selecting the right colleges and showcases was spot-on, and it saved me both time and money. EMD's expertise and support were instrumental in my journey to college baseball."

    Robert P. NJ

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is this program suitable for players at all levels of their recruiting journey?

    How will the communication guidance benefit me when dealing with coaches?

    Why is visibility important, and how does your guidance help with exposure?

    Can you explain the college list development process?

    How does the ongoing talent evaluation work?